首页> 外文会议>Ecological Restoration of Mentougou Beijing; 200705; >Restoration Technique and Plan, Investigation and Evaluation of Ecological Environment on Road Engineering in Mentougou District,Beijing

Restoration Technique and Plan, Investigation and Evaluation of Ecological Environment on Road Engineering in Mentougou District,Beijing


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ⅰ. Original earths surface along the road was destroyed by digging and filling in road construction. The destruction of the vegetation has not been restored yet, at the same time, abominable weather accelerates the weathering of bare slope according to a part of road investigation. ⅱ. According to a survey of the DongLing Mountain and the Baihua Mountain, the traffic noise does harm to the wild animal dwelling around the road, what is more, the animal will keep away from the road or migrate because most of the animal adapting to dark usually find food at night and rest at daytime, the glare of the automobile affect their sight, especially the insects guided by moonlight.
机译:ⅰ。挖土和填筑道路破坏了道路原始的地表。根据道路调查的一部分,植被的破坏尚未恢复,同时恶劣的天气加快了裸露斜坡的风化。 ⅱ。根据对东灵山和百花山的调查,交通噪声确实伤害了居住在道路周围的野生动物,而且,由于大多数动物通常会适应黑暗,因此动物会远离道路或迁移。晚上寻找食物,白天休息,汽车的眩光会影响视线,尤其是在月光引导下的昆虫。



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