首页> 外文会议>Earth Observing Systems XI >Vicarious calibration of GOES Imager visible channel using the Moon

Vicarious calibration of GOES Imager visible channel using the Moon

机译:使用月球对GOES Imager可见通道进行的替代校准

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In this paper, we study the feasibility of a method for vicarious calibration of the GOES Imager visible channel using the Moon. The measured Moon irradiance from 26 undipped moon imagers exhausted all the potential Moon appearances between July 1998 and December 2005, together with the seven scheduled Moon observation data obtained after November 2005, were compared with the USGS lunar model results to estimate the degradation rate of the GOES-10 Imager visible channel. A total of nine methods of determining the space count and identifying lunar pixels were employed in this study to measure the GOES-10 Moon irradiance. Our results show that the selected mean and the masking Moon appears the best method. Eight of the nine resulting degradation rates range from 4.5%/year to 5.0%/year during the nearly nine years of data, which are consistent with most other degradation rates obtained for GOES-10 based on different references. In particular, the degradation rate from the Moon-based calibration (4.5%/year) agrees very well with the MODIS-based calibration (4.4%/year) over the same period, confirming the capability of relative and absolute calibration based on the Moon. Finally, our estimate of lunar calibration precision as applied to GOES-10 is 3.5%.
机译:在本文中,我们研究了使用月球对GOES Imager可见通道进行替代校准的方法的可行性。将来自1998年7月至2005年12月的26个未浸没式月球成像仪测得的月球辐照度耗尽了所有潜在的月球出现情况,并将2005年11月之后获得的七个预定的月球观测数据与USGS月球模型结果进行比较,以估算月球表面的退化率。 GOES-10成像器可见通道。在这项研究中,总共使用了九种确定空间计数和识别月球像素的方法来测量GOES-10月球辐照度。我们的结果表明,选定的均值和掩盖月亮似乎是最好的方法。在将近九年的数据中,九个结果降解率中的八个从4.5%/年到5.0%/年不等,这与基于不同参考文献获得的GOES-10的大多数其他降解率一致。特别是,基于月球的标定(4.5%/年)的降解率与基于MODIS的标定(4.4%/年)在同一时期非常吻合,证实了基于月球的相对和绝对标定的能力。最后,我们将应用于GOES-10的月球校准精度估计为3.5%。



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