
Using Real-Time Road Traffic Data to Evaluate Congestion


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Providing citizens with accurate information on traffic conditions can encourage journeys at times of low congestion, and uptake of public transport. The TIME project (Transport Information Monitoring Environment) has focussed on urban traffic, using the city of Cambridge as an example. We have investigated sensor and network technology for gathering traffic data, and have designed and built reusable software components to distribute, process and store sensor data in real time. Instrumenting a city to provide this information is expensive and potentially invades privacy. Increasingly, public transport vehicles are equipped with sensors to provide arrival time estimates at bus stop displays in real-time. We have shown that these data can be used for a number of purposes. Firstly, archived data can be analysed statistically to understand the behaviour of traffic under a range of "normal" conditions at different times, for example in and out of school term. Secondly, periods of extreme congestion resulting from known incidents can be analysed to show the behaviour of traffic over time. Thirdly, with such analyses providing background information, real-time data can be interpreted in context to provide more reliable and accurate information to citizens. In this paper we present some of the findings of the TIME project.
机译:向市民提供有关交通状况的准确信息,可以鼓励人们在交通拥挤程度低时乘车,并乘坐公共交通工具。 TIME项目(交通信息监控环境)以剑桥市为例,专注于城市交通。我们已经研究了用于收集交通数据的传感器和网络技术,并设计和构建了可重用的软件组件,以实时分发,处理和存储传感器数据。为城市提供这些信息的方法很昂贵,并且有可能侵犯隐私权。越来越多的公共交通工具配备了传感器,可以实时在公交车站显示屏上提供到达时间估计。我们已经证明这些数据可以用于多种目的。首先,可以对存档的数据进行统计分析,以了解在不同时间(例如在校期间和校外)在一系列“正常”条件下的交通行为。其次,可以分析由已知事件引起的极端拥塞时期,以显示交通随时间的行为。第三,通过提供背景信息的此类分析,可以在上下文中解释实时数据,从而为市民提供更可靠,更准确的信息。在本文中,我们介绍了TIME项目的一些发现。



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