
Virtual Fault Tolerance


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Brian Randell had many early ideas on the way that virtual systems could make programming more fault tolerant and allow computing systems to be more dependable. He developed these ideas with an architecture for acceptance testing and backup to previous safe points on failure of a test. The architecture provided for multiple versions of methods to pass a test, and it extended to multithreaded programs and atomic transactions. We will review the principles of these systems and then comment on how they apply in today's systems. We suggest that capability architecture, an important offshoot of virtual systems, could usefully be combined with Randell's architecture. The combination could offer a means to reduce the modern anxiety over Trojan Horse attacks against hardware and software.
机译:Brian Randell对于虚拟系统可以使编程更具容错能力并使计算系统更加可靠的方式有许多早期想法。他通过用于验收测试的体系结构提出了这些想法,并将其备份到测试失败之前的安全点。该体系结构提供了通过测试的多种方法版本,并扩展到多线程程序和原子事务。我们将回顾这些系统的原理,然后评论它们在当今系统中的应用方式。我们建议将功能体系结构(虚拟系统的重要分支)与Randell的体系结构有效地结合起来。这种组合可以提供一种减轻现代人对Trojan Horse攻击硬件和软件的忧虑的方法。



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