首页> 外文会议>DC-2004: Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications >METS-Based Cataloging Toolkit for Digital Library Management System

METS-Based Cataloging Toolkit for Digital Library Management System


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This toolkit is designed for the Digital Library Management System of Tsinghua University (TH-DLMS). The aim of TH-DLMS is to build up a platform to preserve various kinds of digitalized resources, manage distributed repositories and provide kinds of service for research and education. This toolkit fulfills the cataloging and preservation functions of TH-DLMS. METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard) encoded documents are used as the final storage format of metadata, including descriptive metadata, structural metadata and administrative metadata, and submitted to a management system based on Fedora (Flexible Extensible Digital Object and Repository Architecture) Open Source System.
机译:该工具包是为清华大学数字图书馆管理系统(TH-DLMS)设计的。 TH-DLMS的目的是建立一个平台来保存各种数字化资源,管理分布式存储库并提供各种研究和教育服务。该工具包实现了TH-DLMS的编目和保存功能。 METS(元数据编码和传输标准)编码的文档用作元数据的最终存储格式,包括描述性元数据,结构元数据和管理元数据,并提交给基于Fedora(灵活可扩展数字对象和存储库体系结构)开源的管理系统系统。



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