首页> 外文会议>Database and expert systems applications >A gloal garbage collector for federated database management systems

A gloal garbage collector for federated database management systems


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This paper presents a global garbage Collector (GC) integrated in a MultiDataBase System architecture which preserves dataBase Management Systems (DBMS) autonomy.Each DBMS is supposed to have its own local GC and none assumption is made on the behaivor of the local GC.There is noj interaction between the global GC and the local GC.the global GC protposed is an adaptationof reference listing combined with a reverse marek and sweep thechnique.It has the following propeties: it is incremental and requires few inteactios with transactions; the reverse mark and sweep technique is able to detect dead object cycles tha tar efrequent in a DBMS ocntext; it is able to collect objects without accessing the whole database and bglopbal synchronizaiton of DBMS sites is not required.The Global GC works exclusively on entry and exite items without acessing global object cels stored in DBMS.Consequently it implies few I/O overhead for the DBMS.
机译:本文提出了一个集成在MultiDataBase System体系结构中的全局垃圾收集器(GC),该体系结构保留了数据库管理系统(DBMS)的自治权,每个DBMS都应具有自己的本地GC,并且不以本地GC为前提进行假设。这是全局GC与本地GC之间的交互作用。全局GC是对参考列表的改编,结合了反向marek和sweep技术。它具有以下优点:它是增量的,不需要事务处理的交互作用;反向标记和清除技术能够检测DBMS文本中频繁出现的死对象循环;它可以收集对象而无需访问整个数据库,并且不需要DBMS站点的全局同步。GlobalGC专门用于进入和退出项目,而无需访问存储在DBMS中的全局对象cel。 DBMS。



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