首页> 外文会议>Conference on Unattended Ground Sensor Technologies and Applications V Apr 21-25, 2003 Orlando, Florida, USA >Dragon Ears airborne acoustic array: CSP analysis applied to cross array to compute real-time, 2D acoustic sound field

Dragon Ears airborne acoustic array: CSP analysis applied to cross array to compute real-time, 2D acoustic sound field

机译:Dragon Ears机载声学阵列:将CSP分析应用于交叉阵列以计算实时2D声场

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This paper describes development and application of a novel method to accomplish real-time solid angle acoustic direction finding using two 8-element orthogonal microphone arrays. The developed prototype system was intended for localization and signature recognition of ground-based sounds from a small UAV. Recent advances in computer speeds have enabled the implementation of microphone arrays in many audio applications. Still, the real-time presentation of a two-dimensional sound field for the purpose of audio target localization is computationally challenging. In order to overcome this challenge, a crosspower spectrum phase (CSP) technique was applied to each 8-element arm of a 16-element cross array to provide audio target localization. In this paper, we describe the technique and compare it with two other commonly used techniques; Cross-Spectral Matrix and MUSIC. The results show that the CSP technique applied to two 8-element orthogonal arrays provides a computationally efficient solution with reasonable accuracy and tolerable artifacts, sufficient for real-time applications. Additional topics include development of a synchronized 16-channel transmitter and receiver to relay the airborne data to the ground-based processor and presentation of test data demonstrating both ground-mounted operation and airborne localization of ground-based gunshots and loud engine sounds.



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