
Optical Metrology Of Adaptive Membrane Mirrors


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A membrane primary mirror in a space-based imaging system has the ability to overcome current payload constraints and meet evolutionary needs of the future. The challenge of membrane optics in space is the process of implementing adaptive optics technology to the membrane surface that will provide at least rough order of magnitude imaging, where small aberrations can be removed downstream in the system. The objective of this research was to develop a system to categorize surface properties of optical quality membrane material with the ability to interpret membrane mirror deformation. Coincident with this objective was the design and construction of membrane mirrors and associated test tooling, the design and application of in-plane zonal control for piezopolymer actuated membrane mirrors, and mirror deformation analysis. The system provides wavefront analysis with both optical interferometry and Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensing, with good correlation, which compares favorably to Zygo interferometer data. Results from membrane static testing will be presented. They demonstrate deflection of tens of wavelengths is possible.



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