
Transparent Ceramic Lamp Envelope Materials


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PCA envelopes have been vital to the widespread construction of contemporary HPS and ceramic metal halide lamps in place of quartz. Lamp scientists have constantly been searching new focused-beam light-sources using improved transparent ceramic envelopes for better energy efficiency, color properties, life, cost, and environmental renewability. Many studies in the literature aimed at producing improved lamp envelopes, involved sintering of ceramic materials to transparency for tube, window, infrared dome, and laser applications. While melt-grown single crystals such as sapphire are restricted to straight tubes, technological advancements in ceramic powder synthesis, forming, sintering and HIPing (hot isostatic pressing), have made possible a wide range of compositions (e.g. Y_2O_3, Y_2O_3-La_2O_3, MgAl_2O_4, YAG, and AlON), and shapes (cylindrical, bulgy, spherical, and elliptical), presenting significant flexibility to the designing of lamps and fill chemistry. Fig. 1 shows the transmittance windows" that have been achieved in several transparent ceramics relative to that of quartz. The significant accomplishment in the optical properties resulted from improved understanding of powder-processing-microstructure-property inter-relationships over the years. These transparent ceramics generally have in-line transmittance as high as quartz and higher than regular, translucent PCA. However, the rapid heating and cooling cycles encountered by the envelopes in lamps must be considered; a satisfactory thermal shock resistance is required. Quartz has excellent thermal shock resistance due to its low thermal expansion and elastic constant. Physical properties such as mechanical strength, elastic constant, thermal expansion, thermal conductivity, and emissivity, along with the geometry, size, and thickness of transparent ceramics are important parameters for assessing their resistance to withstand thermal shock and stresses in lamps. Additionally the corrosive nature of lamp-fill liquid and vapor at high temperatures requires that all lamp components be carefully chosen to meet the target life. Although the economics could be hard to justify a new transparent ceramic for improved performance (efficacy) in well-developed applications such as HPS lamp envelopes, the wide range of new transparent ceramic envelope materials represents opportunities for advanced light sources such as beamer and automotive headlights of new designs and fill chemistries.



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