
In formation transmission in acousto-optic imaging systems


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Different kinds of acousto-optic imaging systmes have bene observed from the point of view of their capability to transmit and process informaiton. The major attention have bene paid to the systmes providing image projection. Acousto-optic light projection system represents a kind of light infromaiton systmes in which two kinds of informaiton are used: basic and auxiliary informaion. The auxiliary infromation contains data which are used in order to arrange the basic information in such form that it would requrie no additional decoding means. When such auxiliary data are used, the signal-to-noise ratio falls because each operation introduce its own noise. Several ways of additional information input have been considered from the point of view of the useful information transmission optimization.. In order to perform this consideration,such standard informaiton parameters as informaiton capacity and information transmision capability have been assigned to the systme as well as to its separate links. These parameters limitaitons providing by acousto-optic deflection and modulation units have been estimated. These limiations are connected with the certain contradiction between attempts to increase both information parameters simultaneously. This contradiction is ocnnected with nature of acousto-optic interaction, however it differs from that taking place while optimizing the informaiton parameters of acousto-optic spectrum analyzers. The results of information parameters estimation for the systems we had experimentally performed, have been stated and discussed.



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