
Accuracy of whole-field mapping by jones matrix fourier photopolarimeter


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A whole-field polarimetric method through digital image processing has been developed for mapping the three optical parameters, which determine noralized Jones matrix of an elliptic retarder. The suggested technique conveys measurement data sufficient to describe optical anisotropy in the media exhibiting rotation of birefringence axes along the light path. Particularly, hologeneous or inhomogeneous birefringent gyrotropic objects and initially isotropic transparent samples bearing stress-induced anisotropy can be investigated by use of this technique. Operational principle of the method implies incremental rotation of polarizer and analyser with the ratio 1:3 over the revolution of the polarizer and collection of 9 intensity images between successive rotation steps. Then thus obtained intensity patterns are digitally processed by use of Fourier analysis. specifically in this paper we address issues concerning the acuracy of mapping all the three parameters at different values of htose. Some ad hoc experiments with test crystalline quartz phase plates are reported. Comptuer simulations and measurement results are presented and discussed.



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