首页> 外文会议>Conference on Optical Design, Materials, Fabrication, and Maintenance, Mar 27-29, 2000, Munich, Germany >Phasing the Primary Mirror Segments of the Keck Telescopes: A Comparison of Different Techniques

Phasing the Primary Mirror Segments of the Keck Telescopes: A Comparison of Different Techniques


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We have developed and tested extensively three different methods for phasing the primary mirror segments of the Keck telescopes. Two of these, referred to as the broadband and narrowband algorithms respectively, are physical optics generalizations of the Shack-Hartmann technique. The third, Phase Discontinuity Sensing (PDS), is a physical optics generalization of curvature sensing. We evaluate and compare experimental results with these techniques with regard to capture range (as large as 30 μm), run-to-run variation (as small as 6 nm), execution time (as short as twenty minutes), systematic errors, ease of implementation, and other factors, in the context of the Keck telescopes and also of future very large ground-based telescopes.
机译:我们已经开发并测试了三种不同的方法来对Keck望远镜的主镜段定相。其中的两个分别称为宽带算法和窄带算法,是Shack-Hartmann技术的物理光学概括。第三个是相位不连续检测(PDS),是曲率检测的物理光学一般化。我们评估和比较这些技术在捕获范围(最大30μm),运行间差异(小至6 nm),执行时间(短至二十分钟),系统错误,缓解方面的实验结果在凯克望远镜以及未来的超大型地面望远镜的应用中,对实施和其他因素的影响。



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