
Quicksilver: A Quasi-Compiler for Java


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This paper presents the design and implementation of the Quicksilver~1 quasi-static compiler for Java. Quasi-static compilation is a new approach that combines the benefits of static and dynamic compilation, while maintaining compliance with the Java standard, including support of its dynamic features. A quasi-static compiler relies on the generation and reuse of persistent code images to reduce the overhead of compilation during program execution, and to provide identical, testable and reliable binaries over different program executions. At runtime, the quasi-static compiler adapts pre-compiled binaries to the current JVM instance, and uses dynamic compilaiton of the code when necessary to support dynamic Java features. Our system allows interprocedural program optimizations to be performed while maintaining binary compatibility. Experimental data obtained using a preliminary implementation of a quasi-static compiler in the Jalapeno JVM clearly demonstrates the benefits of our approahc: we achieve a runtime compilation cost comparable to that of baseline (fast, non-optimizing) compilation, and deliver the runtime program performance ofthe highest optimization level supported by the Jalapeno optimizing compiler. For the SPECjvm98 benchmark suite, we obtain a factor of 104 to 158 reduction in the rutnime compilation overhead relative to the Jalapeno optimizing compiler. Relative to the better of the baseline and the optimizing Jalapeno compilers, the overall performance (taking into account both runtime compilation and execution costs) is increased by 9.2
机译:本文介绍了Java的Quicksilver〜1准静态编译器的设计和实现。准静态编译是一种新方法,该方法结合了静态和动态编译的优点,同时保持了对Java标准的遵从性,包括对动态特性的支持。准静态编译器依赖于持久代码映像的生成和重用,以减少程序执行期间的编译开销,并在不同程序执行过程中提供相同,可测试和可靠的二进制文件。在运行时,准静态编译器将预编译的二进制文件适配到当前的JVM实例,并在必要时使用代码的动态编译来支持动态Java功能。我们的系统允许在保持二进制兼容性的同时执行过程间程序优化。使用Jalapeno JVM中的准静态编译器的初步实现获得的实验数据清楚地证明了我们的方法的优势:我们获得了与基准(快速,非优化)编译相当的运行时编译成本,并交付了运行时程序Jalapeno优化编译器支持的最高优化级别的性能。对于SPECjvm98基准套件,相对于Jalapeno优化编译器,我们将rutnime编译开销减少了104到158。相对于更好的基准和优化的Jalapeno编译器,整体性能(同时考虑了运行时编译和执行成本)提高了9.2



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