首页> 外文会议>Conference on Linear, Nonlinear, and Power-Limiting Organics 31 July-3 August 2000 San Diego, USA >High Volume Manufacturing of Polymer Planar Waveguides via UV-Embossing

High Volume Manufacturing of Polymer Planar Waveguides via UV-Embossing


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A process is descirbed here which is capable of creating very low cost single or multimode waveguides. 5to reduce the cost of manufacture of the lowest levels, one must move away from intensive individual processing steps such as wafer-based spin coating, lithogrpahy, and development. Here, a process is described which is inspired by the printing industry; especially the printing of raised features to form simple, low cost holograms typically used for product security. All effects must be approached with a level of precision and engineering not typically required in the embossing industry. Precision resist masters of 12" dimension were created using commercially available photoresists and photomasks. High fiedelity molds (and embossing tools) were made by replicating the master in both metal and elastomer. PET film was coated with an underclad layer which uniformly reproduced waveguide channel features. The filling process of waveguide cores proceeded through the coating of the channels followed by lamination of an overcoating. Finally, end face preparation was examined through die cutting, slitting, and laser cutting techniques.
机译:这里需要一种能够产生非常低成本的单模或多模波导的工艺。 5为了降低最低级别的制造成本,必须放弃密集的单个处理步骤,例如基于晶圆的旋涂,石印和显影。这里描述了一个受印刷业启发的过程。特别是凸起特征的印刷,以形成通常用于产品安全的简单,低成本的全息图。必须以压印行业通常不需要的精度和工程水平来接近所有效果。使用市场上可买到的光刻胶和光掩膜制作出尺寸为12“的精密光刻胶原版。通过在金属和弹性体中复制原版,制得高纤维度的模具(和压花工具)。PET膜上涂有一层下涂层,可均匀地复制波导通道特征波导芯的填充过程是通过对通道进行涂覆,然后进行外涂层的层压,最后,通过冲切,纵切和激光切割技术检查端面的制备。



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