首页> 外文会议>Conference on Internet Routing and Quality of Service 2 - 4 November 1998 Boston, Massachusetts >Extensions to the MARS model for IP Integrated Servies over ATM networks

Extensions to the MARS model for IP Integrated Servies over ATM networks


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The efficient support of the IP Integrated Services architecture (ITS) in ATM networks is nowadays a challenging research topic in the internetworking area. The integration of the two architectures needs the overcoming of the inconsistencies topic in the internetworking area. The integration of the two architectures needs the overcoming of the inconsistencies existing between their service models, in particular when consisering multicast comunicatiosn. The IIS architecture is based on the Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP), IP multicast and RSVP rely on a receiver-oriented mode, where a receiver is not only capable of deciding whether to join or leave a multicast session, but it is also allowed to choose the associated QoS indipendently from the other participants. On the other hand, the ATM service model is sensder-oriented: the originating node of a multipoint session is the only entity allowed to add to delete leaf nodes.
机译:如今,在ATM网络中对IP集成服务体系结构(ITS)的有效支持已成为互联网络领域一个具有挑战性的研究主题。两种架构的集成需要克服互联网络领域中的不一致主题。两种体系结构的集成需要克服它们的服务模型之间存在的不一致性,尤其是在考虑多播通信时。 IIS体系结构基于资源保留协议(RSVP),IP多播和RSVP依赖于面向接收者的模式,其中接收者不仅能够决定是否加入或退出多播会话,而且还允许从其他参与者中单独选择关联的QoS。另一方面,ATM服务模型是面向传感器的:多点会话的始发节点是唯一允许添加以删除叶节点的实体。



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