首页> 外文会议>Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health >The Study on the Amelioration of Saline-Alkali Soil and Ecological Restoration of Melilotus Officinalis——An Example of Western Jilin Province in Songnen Plain

The Study on the Amelioration of Saline-Alkali Soil and Ecological Restoration of Melilotus Officinalis——An Example of Western Jilin Province in Songnen Plain


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吉林西部位于松嫩平原西南,百年之前还呈水草丰盛,土质肥沃,宜农宜牧的景象.20世纪中期以来,在人口、资源、气候等条件的干扰下,该区生态环境急剧恶化,土地荒漠化迅速扩大,农牧经济受到严重制约.目前针对该区土壤改良和生态修复已有大量研究,但是适合大面积应用的方法并不多.作者通过与俄罗斯专家合作,引进了斯列金1号黄花草木樨优良豆科牧草品种,在2000年~2010年间,进行了系列试验研究.结果表明由于黄花草木樨地表和地下生物量大,根系粗壮发达,在数月内可全部溶于土壤耕作层中,所以其可改善土壤物理性质,提高孔隙度,增加通透性,使土壤脱盐脱碱,增加有机质、氮素、磷素和钾素含量,提高糜子、绿豆、玉米等作物产量,对改良重度盐碱土以及微酸性土、修复生态环境具有显著作用,因此建议推广种植.%Western Jilin Province is located in the southwest of the Songnen Plain.Centuries ago,the region was rich of waters and fertile soil,which was suitable for agriculture and livestock.Since the mid-20th century,with the interference of the population,resources and climate,the ecological environment of the area has been deteriorated sharply,desertification of which has been expanded rapidly,agricultural and pastoral economy of which has been hampered seriously.There are a large number of researches,but the applications suitable for large area are rare.Via cooperation with Russian experts,the excellent legumionous forage named Melilotus officinalis Sligen 1 was introduced by our group.During 2000 to 2010,a series of tests has been carried out.The results show that since Melilotus officinalis has thick and developed root and high biomass of its ground and underground parts,and it can be dissolved in the tillage layer within a few months,soil physical properties can be improved,porosity and permeability can be increased,desalting and dealkalizing can be realized,the content of organic matter,nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium can be increased,and the yield of millet,mung bean,corn can be improved by its planting,contributing to amelioration of severe saline-alkali soil and slightly acidic soil and restoration of ecology.Hence,it is proposed to promote the cultivation of Melilotus officinalis.
机译:吉林西部位于松嫩平原西南,百年之前还呈水草丰盛,土质肥沃,宜农宜牧的景象.20世纪中期以来,在人口、资源、气候等条件的干扰下,该区生态环境急剧恶化,土地荒漠化迅速扩大,农牧经济受到严重制约.目前针对该区土壤改良和生态修复已有大量研究,但是适合大面积应用的方法并不多.作者通过与俄罗斯专家合作,引进了斯列金1号黄花草木樨优良豆科牧草品种,在2000年~2010年间,进行了系列试验研究.结果表明由于黄花草木樨地表和地下生物量大,根系粗壮发达,在数月内可全部溶于土壤耕作层中,所以其可改善土壤物理性质,提高孔隙度,增加通透性,使土壤脱盐脱碱,增加有机质、氮素、磷素和钾素含量,提高糜子、绿豆、玉米等作物产量,对改良重度盐碱土以及微酸性土、修复生态环境具有显著作用,因此建议推广种植.%Western Jilin Province is located in the southwest of the Songnen Plain.Centuries ago,the region was rich of waters and fertile soil,which was suitable for agriculture and livestock.Since the mid-20th century,with the interference of the population,resources and climate,the ecological environment of the area has been deteriorated sharply,desertification of which has been expanded rapidly,agricultural and pastoral economy of which has been hampered seriously.There are a large number of researches,but the applications suitable for large area are rare.Via cooperation with Russian experts,the excellent legumionous forage named Melilotus officinalis Sligen 1 was introduced by our group.During 2000 to 2010,a series of tests has been carried out.The results show that since Melilotus officinalis has thick and developed root and high biomass of its ground and underground parts,and it can be dissolved in the tillage layer within a few months,soil physical properties can be improved,porosity and permeability can be increased,desalting and dealkalizing can be realized,the content of organic matter,nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium can be increased,and the yield of millet,mung bean,corn can be improved by its planting,contributing to amelioration of severe saline-alkali soil and slightly acidic soil and restoration of ecology.Hence,it is proposed to promote the cultivation of Melilotus officinalis.



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