首页> 外文会议>中、日、韩航海学会学术交流会(Asia Navigation Conference 2009) >A Survey of Demand about the Elementary School Students in Ichikawa City and Study of Traditional River Usage and River Scope in Edogawa River

A Survey of Demand about the Elementary School Students in Ichikawa City and Study of Traditional River Usage and River Scope in Edogawa River


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Ichikawa City,located on the downstream in Edogawa River,has the largest population around the river. From Edo Era,Ichikawa on Edogawa River was drawn in many pictures,such as the Port of Gyoutoku which was famous for the key point of waterways of Tone River.The river scope and people's daily life of this area was drawn in the tourism books of "Edo Meishyo Zue (Guide to Famous Edo Sites)" and "Meisyo Edo Hyakkei (One Hundred Famous Views of Edo at Ukiyoe)" and etc.,by Settan Hasegawa and Hiroshige Udagawa.Till 1970, there were many citizens who used to row boats and swim in Edogawa River from photographs luch as at Kounodai-shita on Ichikawa. At present,we are not able to row boats and swim in the river at Kounodai-shita on Ichikawa in daily life. In this study, authors planned to develop the examinee's recognition of the usage of river and waterway in Edogawa area. The examinees are the elementary school student in Ichikawa City. At first,photographs of various usages on river and river bank and boat and ship are shown to the examinee. Next,questionnaire asked that the demand of usage of river and its bank, the demand of quality in water and its bank, and the demand of course of ship as daily transportation and recreation. Analysis of various usage of river and current consciousness of the elementary school students in Ichikawa City,will be the part of the useful answer to the usage of river,waterway,bank,ship in contrast of historical point of view. And the analysis of the answer of river and waterway usage,river and waterway scope will be applicable in Japan near future and also in Asian-Pacific.
机译:市川市位于江户川川下游,是江川川周边人口最多的地区。从江户时代开始,江户川河上的市川被绘制成许多图片,例如以通河的水路要点而闻名的京断港。该地区的河川范围和人们的日常生活被绘制在江户川的旅游书籍中。 Settan Hasegawa和Udagawa Hiroshige编着的“ Edo Meishyo Zue(著名的江户遗址指南)”和“ Meisyo Edo Hyakkei(在浮世绘的一百个江户名景)”。直到1970年,以前有很多市民在划船在市川的Kounodai-shita拍摄的照片中,船在江户川河中游泳。目前,我们在日常生活中无法在市川Kounodai-shita的河中划船和游泳。在这项研究中,作者计划发展应试者对江户川地区河流和水路用途的认识。考生是市川市的小学生。首先,向考生展示在河和河岸以及船上各种用途的照片。接下来,问卷询问了对河流及其河岸的使用需求,对水和河岸的水质的需求以及作为日常运输和娱乐的船舶航向的需求。与历史观点相比,分析河川的各种用途和市川小学生的当前意识,将成为对河流,水路,河岸,船舶的利用的有用答案的一部分。对河流和水道使用,河流和水道范围的答案的分析将在不久的将来应用于日本以及亚太地区。



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