
GHαFaS: Galaxy Ha Fabry-Perot System for the WHT

机译:GHαFaS:用于WHT的Galaxy Ha Fabry-Perot系统



GHαFaS is a new Fabry-Perot system available at the William Herschel Telescope. It was mounted, for the first time, at the Nasmyth focus of the 4.2 m WHT in La Palma in 2007 July . With a spectral resolution of the order R~15000 and a seeing limited spatial resolution, GHαFaS provides a new look at the Ha -emitting gas over a 4 arcminutes circular field in the nearby universe. Many types of objects can be observed with a scanning Fabry-Perot system on a 4.2 m class telescope such as galaxies, HII regions, planetary nebulae, supernova remnants outflows from stars and the diffuse interstellar medium. Astronomers from the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique Experimentale (LAE) in Montreal, the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM), and the Instituto de Astrofi'sica de Canarias (IAC), have inaugurated GHαFaS by studying in detail the dynamics of nearby spiral galaxies. A robust set of tools for reducing and analyzing the data cubes obtained with GHαFaS has also been developed.
机译:GHαFaS是William Herschel望远镜提供的新型Fabry-Perot系统。它首次安装在2007年7月位于拉帕尔玛的4.2 m WHT的纳斯密斯焦点。 GHαFaS的光谱分辨率大约为R〜15000,并且空间分辨率有限,它为附近宇宙中4弧分分钟的圆形场上的Ha发射气体提供了新的外观。可以用4.2 m级望远镜上的Fabry-Perot扫描系统观察到许多类型的物体,例如星系,HII区域,行星状星云,超新星残留物从恒星流出以及弥散的星际介质。蒙特利尔实验天体实验室(LAE)的天文学家,马赛天体实验室(LAM)和加那利大学天体物理研究所(IAC)的天文学家通过详细研究附近螺旋运动的动力学来创立了GHαFaS。星系。还开发了一套强大的工具来减少和分析用GHαFaS获得的数据立方体。



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