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Cattle production of smallholder farmers in Kampong Cham province, Cambodia


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Almost all cattle raised in Cambodia are produced by smallholder farmers in rural areas, and the increasing demand for red meat means that cattle production represents an important opportunity for Cambodian farmers. Smallholder farmers commonly use native grasses and crop residues as feed for their animals. However, as the cattle population and the area cultivated with crops have increased, feed resources for cattle have become a constraint, resulting in low cattle productivity. Nutrition has been identified as the single most important constraint on cattle production in Cambodia. This study reports a survey that was conducted to identify constraints on cattle production of smallholder farmers in Cambodia. Sixty randomly selected households raising cattle in the Kang Meas and Tbong Khmum districts of Kampong Cham province were interviewed in late 2008. Most (80-90%) household income was derived from the farm and only 10-20% of income was from off-farm sources. Cattle production represented 20% of farm income, on average. The mean number of cattle per household was five. Overall cattle production was assessed as very low, with the average calving interval estimated at 18.6 months, and mean growth rates of non-lactating animals at less than 100 g/day. Farmers reported that cattle were mainly used for draught, breeding and selling. This is a significant shift from the traditional approach of using cattle for draught and breeding only, indicating that farmers were responding to market demands. Farmers rated feed availability as the most important constraint on cattle production, followed by diseases. In the surveyed villages, cattle production was severely constrained by the lack of feed resources that caused low animal productivity. Providing locally available feed (natural grasses and crop residues) for cattle is a major challenge for farmers, requiring high labour inputs. Planting alternative feeds such as forage grasses is an attractive opportunity for smallholder farmers to improve their cattle production.
机译:柬埔寨几乎所有饲养的牛都是农村地区的小农生产的,对红肉的需求增加意味着牛的生产为柬埔寨农民提供了重要的机会。小农户通常使用本地草和农作物残余物作为动物饲料。然而,随着牛的数量和农作物的种植面积的增加,牛的饲料资源已成为制约因素,导致牛的生产力下降。营养已被确定为柬埔寨养牛业的最重要限制因素。这项研究报告了一项调查,旨在确定柬埔寨小农户养牛的制约因素。 2008年底,对甘榜湛省Kang Meas和Tbong Khmum地区随机选出的60户养牛家庭进行了采访。大多数(80-90%)家庭收入来自农场,只有10-20%的收入来自农场外。农场资源。牛的产量平均占农场收入的20%。每户平均牛只为五头。牛的总产量被评估为非常低,平均产犊间隔估计为18.6个月,非泌乳动物的平均生长速度低于100克/天。农民报告说,牛主要用于吃草,繁殖和销售。这与传统的只使用牛进行草稿和育种的传统方法相比有了重大转变,这表明农民正在响应市场需求。农民将饲料的可获得性视为对牛生产的最重要限制,其次是疾病。在被调查的村庄,由于缺乏饲料资源而导致牲畜生产率低下,严重限制了牛的生产。为牛提供当地可用的饲料(天然草和农作物残渣)是农民的主要挑战,需要大量的劳动力投入。对于小农来说,种植替代饲料(例如饲料草)是一个有吸引力的机会,可以提高其牛的产量。



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