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Benefits and challenges using cathodic protection from an ownerspoint of view


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From the middle of the 1980's to the middle of the 1990's the Danish RoadrnDirectorate has conducted a large number of repairs on corrosion damaged columns and wallsrnon Highway bridges. In general, the repairs were traditional concrete repairs, but for a few ofrnthe bridges cathodic protection was used as repair method. In 2002-03 these cathodic protectionrnsystems was assessed, among other with respect to the systems′ ability to stop or preventrncorrosion and the service lifetime of the systems. Furthermore, cathodic protection wasrnevaluated on a technical and financial basis as alternative method to other repair methods.rnIt was concluded that cathodic protection was able to stop corrosion and that the method in arnnumber of cases was a technical as well as a financial suitable alternative to other repairrnmethods. Based upon the positive experiences gained, the Danish Road Directorate anticipatesrnthat cathodic protection is considered a repair option on an equal footing with other repairrnmethods.rnThe conclusions were presented in a state-of-the art report published in 2003 by the DanishrnRoad Directorate. From then on a number of cathodic protection installations have beenrninstalled. Experiences have shown that cathodic protection is a technical field that requiresrnspecialist input from both the Contractor and the Consultant side, not the least as cathodicrnprotection is an innovative field under rapid development. Experience show that very close cooperationrnbetween Concrete Contractor, Cathodic Protection Contractor, Consultant and Ownerrnare required in order to reach the intended quality and durability of a cathodic protectionrninstallation.rnCathodic protection installations require operation and maintenance throughout the servicernlife of the system installed. Rectifier systems equipped with computer and modem connectionrnshow great perspectives in minimizing maintenance costs as fewer service visits are required onrnsite. It also allows for a rational data collection and management of the systems installed givingrnthe Owner greater confidence in system performance.rnThe paper deals with the challenges in implementing cathodic protection systems in ongoingrnprojects and describes a rational manner in operating and maintaining cathodic protectionrninstallations.



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