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Traditional photovoltaic system and hybrid photovoltaic system: A comparative study for a residence




A comparative study was carried out between the costs of a traditional photovoltaic system and a hybrid photovoltaic and solar heating system, in order to evaluate the advantages of a hybrid system. The sizing was performed for a generic residence in the city of Recife with an average monthly consumption of 800kWh. Of this total, 225kWh monthly were consumed by an electric shower. Thus in the hybrid system, the monthly installment of 575kWh will be provided by a photovoltaic generator connected to the grid, and the remainder referring to the electric shower by a solar water heating system. In order to size the systems, the existing literature and the solarimetric data obtained from the CRESESB Sundata were used. The cost survey focused on the most valuable equipment. In this case, the photovoltaic panel, the frequency inverter, the solar collector and the thermal reservoir. Prices were searched from 58 resellers on web pages during the first half of 2017. The hybrid system proved feasible and cost less than the pure system in almost all comparisons, gaining an advantage of between 11% and almost 14% in the total cost. However, aggressively low prices or good buying opportunities compared to photovoltaic panels balance the final cost. Another advantage of the hybrid system is the removal of a high consumption equipment and a low load factor from the electrical system, especially at peak consumption times.
机译:为了评估混合系统的优势,在传统光伏系统的成本与混合光伏和太阳能加热系统之间进行了比较研究。规模是在累西腓市的一个普通住宅上进行的,平均每月消耗800kWh。其中,每月有225kWh的电能被淋浴器消耗。因此,在混合动力系统中,每月的发电量为575kWh,这是由连接到电网的光伏发电机提供的,其余部分是指由太阳能热水系统提供的电淋浴。为了确定系统的大小,使用了现有文献和从CRESESB Sundata获得的日光数据。成本调查的重点是最有价值的设备。在这种情况下,光伏面板,变频器,太阳能收集器和储热器。在2017年上半年从58个经销商的网页上搜索了价格。在几乎所有比较中,混合系统都证明是可行的,并且成本低于纯系统,在总成本中占11%至14%的优势。 。但是,与光伏板相比,价格过低或购买机会大,最终成本得以平衡。混合动力系统的另一个优点是从电气系统中删除了高消耗设备和低负载系数,尤其是在高峰消耗时间。



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