
Pb-phytoextraction by jack beans in a Pb-EDTA-treated oxisol




This research work aimed at evaluating the phytoextraction potential of jack beans (Canavalia ensiformis L.), under greenhouse conditions, using samples of an Oxisol treated with Pb and EDTA. Treatments consisted of six Pb rates (0; 100; 200; 350; 1,200; and 2,400g·kg<'-1> soil) applied as Pb<,3> (NO) <,2>, without and with EDTA (0 and 0.5g·kg<'-1>) in a completely randomized design arranged in a 6×2 factorial with three replications. Plants were grown in 3 L-pots up to 45 days of age. The variables determined were: available Pb and ionic Pb species in the soil solution, and plant shoot Pb concentration and accumulation. Soil Pb-availability was quantified in soil extracts obtained with DTPA Ionic speciation was assessed using the software Visual-Minteq 2.30. Jack beans were considered potentially good Pb- phytoextractors due to their high Pb concentrations (up to 800mg·kg <'-1>) and dry matter yields. EDTA applied to the studied Oxisol resulted in higher Pb and Fe concentrations in the soil solution, and increased metal accumulation in jack bean plants. EDTA application reduced free Pb<'2+> and increased the chelated forms of Pb (PbEDTA<'2>) and Fe (FeEDTA<'2>) in the soil solution.
机译:这项研究工作的目的是使用经过Pb和EDTA处理的Oxisol样品,在温室条件下评估波豆(Canavalia ensiformis L.)的植物提取潜力。处理包括六个Pb比率(0; 100; 200; 350; 1,200;和2,400g·kg -1土),以Pb <,3>(NO)<,2>施用,不使用EDTA(0和0.5g·kg -1)在完全随机的设计中以6×2析因排列,重复三遍。使植物在3个L罐中生长直至45天。确定的变量为:土壤溶液中可用的Pb和离子Pb种类,以及植物芽中Pb的浓度和累积。用DTPA获得的土壤提取物中的土壤Pb利用率进行了定量。使用Visual-Minteq 2.30软件评估了离子形态。千斤豆由于其高的Pb浓度(高达800mg·kg <-1)和干物质产量而被认为是潜在的Pb植物提取物。 EDTA应用于所研究的Oxisol可以提高土壤溶液中Pb和Fe的浓度,并增加波豆植物中金属的积累。 EDTA的施用减少了土壤溶液中的游离Pb 2+并增加了Pb(PbEDTA 2)和Fe(FeEDTA 2)的螯合形式。



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