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Biosignal operating system for telemedical a




Abstract: This paper describes the principles and prototype architecture of a biosignal operating system for monitoring, diagnosing and treating diseases online. The distinguishing feature of the system is its ability to interface with the human body in a medically relevant manner. Three units in the system ensure machine-body interoperability. First is a biosignal acquisition and processing unit. The second unit draws conclusions from the acquired information while the third enables non-invasive therapies. The entire operation aims at locating the biological resources available for treatment and gaining access to them at run-time. This eliminates the need for medical records. In addition, a protocol for uniform disease definition eliminates the need for massive databasing and frequent updating. The drawback is that the system requires investigations into the biological resources of communication - a gray area even in molecular biology. Preliminary tests, however, indicate that our technology supports online delivery of comprehensive medical services over the Internet. !30
机译:摘要:本文描述了用于在线监测,诊断和治疗疾病的生物信号操作系统的原理和原型架构。该系统的显着特征是其以医学相关方式与人体交互的能力。系统中的三个单元确保了机体的互操作性。首先是生物信号采集和处理单元。第二个单元从获取的信息中得出结论,而第三个单元则启用非侵入性疗法。整个操作旨在找到可用于治疗的生物资源,并在运行时获取这些资源。这消除了对医疗记录的需求。此外,用于统一疾病定义的协议消除了对大规模数据库和频繁更新的需求。缺点是该系统需要调查通信的生物学资源-即使在分子生物学中也是一个灰色区域。但是,初步测试表明,我们的技术支持通过Internet在线提供全面的医疗服务。 !30



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