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Laser applications in the littoral: search lidar and ship identification


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Naval operations in the littoral have to deal with the threat of small sea-surface targets. These targets have a low radar cross-section and low velocity, which makes them hard to detect by radar in the presence of sea clutter. Search lidars can provide an alternative detection capability for small sea-surface targets at ranges up to 10 km (using commercially available parts). The lidar clutter is much smaller than the radar clutter due to the smoothness of the sea surface for optical wavelengths, thus almost all laser light is scattered away from the receiver. By using a high rep-rate laser the search time is limited in order to be useful in the operational context of coastal surveillance and naval surface surveillance. In the same scenario, a laser range profiler with a high bandwidth, fast laser receiver can be used to for identification of the various contacts. To this end, the experimental results have to be compared to a database with pre-measured or pre-calculated range profiles of possible targets. The good match between experimental and simulated laser range profiles implies that such a database can be constructed from 3D-target models, thus simplifying the database creation.
机译:在沿海地区的海军行动必须应对小型海面目标的威胁。这些目标的雷达横截面低且速度低,这使得它们在存在海浪杂波的情况下很难被雷达检测到。搜寻激光雷达可为范围达10 km的小型海面目标提供替代检测功能(使用市售零件)。由于海面对光波长的平滑性,激光雷达的杂波比雷达的杂波小得多,因此几乎所有的激光都从接收器散射开。通过使用高反射率的激光器,搜索时间受到限制,以便在海岸监视和海军水面监视的操作环境中有用。在相同的情况下,具有高带宽,快速激光接收器的激光测距仪可用于识别各种触点。为此,必须将实验结果与具有可能目标目标的预先测量或预先计算的范围轮廓的数据库进行比较。实验和模拟激光测距曲线之间的良好匹配意味着可以从3D目标模型构建这样的数据库,从而简化了数据库的创建。



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