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Toward a Conceptual Framework for Data Sharing Practices in Social Sciences: A Profile Approach


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This paper investigates the landscape of data-sharingrnpractices in social sciences via the data sharing profilernapproach. Guided by two pre-existing conceptualrnframeworks, Knowledge Infrastructure (KI) and the Theoryrnof Remote Scientific Collaboration (TORSC), we designrnand test a profile tool that consists of four overarchingrndimensions for capturing social scientists’ data practices,rnnamely: 1) data characteristics, 2) perceived technicalrninfrastructure, 3) perceived organizational context, and 4)rnindividual characteristics.rnTo ensure that the instrument can be applied in real andrnpractical terms, we conduct a case study by collectingrnresponses from 93 early-career social scientists at twornresearch universities in the Pittsburgh Area, U.S. Thernresults suggest that there is no significant difference, inrngeneral, among scholars who prefer quantitative, mixedrnmethod, or qualitative research methods in terms ofrnresearch activities and data-sharing practices. We alsornconfirm that there is a gap between participants’ attitudesrnabout research openness and their actual sharing behaviors,rnhighlighting the need to study the “barrier” in addition tornthe “incentive” of research data sharing.
机译:本文通过数据共享模式研究了社会科学中数据共享实践的前景。在两个预先存在的概念框架,知识基础架构(KI)和Theoryrnof远程科学合作(TORSC)的指导下,我们设计并测试了一个配置文件工具,该工具由四个总体维度组成,用于捕获社会科学家的数据实践,即:1)数据特征,2 )感知的技术基础设施,3)感知的组织环境和4)个性化的特征。rn为了确保该工具能够以实际和实际的方式应用,我们进行了案例研究,收集了匹兹堡地区两所研究型大学的93位早期职业社会科学家的反馈美国的研究结果表明,在研究活动和数据共享实践方面,偏爱定量,混合方法或定性研究方法的学者之间,在总体上没有显着差异。我们还确认,参与者对研究开放性的态度与他们实际的共享行为之间存在差距,这突出表明除了研究数据共享的“激励”外,还需要研究“障碍”。



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