首页> 外文会议>Asian International Conference of Leather Science and Technology; 20061015-18; Chengdu(CN) >Recycling of Reclaimed-water from Tannery Effluent for High Exhaustion Chrome Tanning

Recycling of Reclaimed-water from Tannery Effluent for High Exhaustion Chrome Tanning


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The reclaimed-water for this study was the treated tannery effluent meeting the requirements specified in GB8978-1996, which is between the fresh water used for leather making and the effluents from all the process. It contains some inorganic ions such as Cl~-, SO_4 ~(2-), Na~+, Ca~(2+), Mg~(2+) and higher CODc_r & SS values and would pollute environment if it is discharged directly. In this study, the influences of the contents of COD & SS in the reclaimed- water on pickling and chrome-tanning along with the feasibility of recycling the reclaimed-water for high exhaustion chrome tanning were investigated by tanning practices with cattle hides. The uptake of chromium was 81.86% when the contents of CODc_r & SS in the reclaimed-water reached 186.0mg/L and 120.0mg/L respectively, and yet the uptake of chromium had reached 90% above and the shrinkage temperature of the leathers was so high that leathers wouldnlt shrink in boiling water for 3 minutes while 0.6% tanning auxiliaries as DC or CF based on bated pelt weight were added at later phase of chrome-tanning. Also the penetration and distribution of chromium in the interior of wet blues were homogeneous, and there was no deposition of calcium or magnesium salts on the surface of leathers through SEM and EDAX. At last, the physical and mechanical properties of crust leather reached to shoe upper leather standard. All the results suggested that it is a viable proposal of high-exhaustion of chromium with the reclaimed-water from tannery.
机译:该研究的再生水是满足GB8978-1996规定要求的经过处理的制革厂废水,该废水介于制革所用的淡水和所有过程的废水之间。它包含一些无机离子,例如Cl〜-,SO_4〜(2-),Na〜+,Ca〜(2 +),Mg〜(2+)以及较高的CODc_r和SS值,如果直接放电会污染环境。 。在这项研究中,利用牛皮的鞣制方法,研究了再生水中的COD和SS含量对酸洗和铬鞣制的影响,以及将再生水再循环用于高耗铬鞣制的可行性。当再生水中CODc_r和SS的含量分别达到186.0mg / L和120.0mg / L时,铬的吸收率为81.86%,而铬的吸收率达到了90%以上,皮革的收缩温度为90.6%。如此之高,以至于皮革在沸水中不会收缩3分钟,而在鞣革后期添加了0.6%鞣制助剂,如基于皮毛重量的DC或CF。铬在湿蓝内部的渗透和分布也是均匀的,并且通过SEM和EDAX在皮革表面没有钙或镁盐的沉积。最终,硬皮的物理力学性能达到了鞋革的标准。所有结果表明,这是一种可行的方案,建议将制革厂的再生水用于铬的高消耗。



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