首页> 外文会议>American Helicopter Society national technical specialists' meeting on rotorcraft structures >Advanced Genetic Algorithms for Designing Complex Laminated Composite Structures

Advanced Genetic Algorithms for Designing Complex Laminated Composite Structures


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This paper presents a pair of software tools that have been created by ADOPTECH for laminated compositernstructural design. The first software tool is an advanced genetic algorithm optimization code called DARWINrnthat has been developed specifically for engineering design problems. DARWIN has the capability to designrncomplex laminated composite structures by utilizing a flexible data structure, specialized genetic operators, andrnfeatures that improve the efficiency and reliability of the genetic algorithm optimization procedure. DARWINrnserves as the optimization engine for OLGA (Optimization of Laminates using Genetic Algorithms), a Javabasedrngraphical user interface that simplifies the process of configuring a composite laminate design problem.rnSeveral features of the DARWIN/OLGA software are reviewed throughout the paper. The capabilities of thernsoftware are then demonstrated by designing an E-shaped composite structure comprised of ten monolithicrnpanels. Each panel is designed for both minimum weight and cost while satisfying several lay-up, performance,rnand manufacturing constraints.
机译:本文介绍了由ADOPTECH创建的用于层压复合结构设计的一对软件工具。第一个软件工具是称为DARWINrn的高级遗传算法优化代码,专门针对工程设计问题而开发。 DARWIN能够利用灵活的数据结构,专门的遗传算子和可提高遗传算法优化程序效率和可靠性的功能来设计复杂的层压复合结构。 DARWIN用作OLGA(使用遗传算法对层压板进行优化)的优化引擎,这是一种基于Java的图形用户界面,可简化配置复合层压板设计问题的过程。全文对DARWIN / OLGA软件的​​几个功能进行了概述。然后,通过设计由十个整体式面板组成的E形复合结构来演示软件的功能。每个面板的设计都考虑了最小的重量和成本,同时满足了一些布局,性能,制造限制。



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