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Choose the Damping, Choose the Ranking?


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To what extent can changes in PageRank's damping factor affect node ranking? We prove that, at least on some graphs, the top k nodes assume all possible k! orderings as the damping factor varies, even if it varies within an arbitrarily small interval (e.g. [0.84999,0.85001]). Thus, the rank of a node for a given (finite set of discrete) damping factor(s) provides very little information about the rank of that node as the damping factor varies over a continuous interval.rnWe bypass this problem introducing lineage analysis and proving that there is a simple condition, with a "natural" interpretation independent of PageRank, that allows one to verify "in one shot" if a node outperforms another simultaneously for all damping factors and all damping variables (informally, time variant damping factors). The novel notions of strong rank and weak rank of a node provide a measure of the fuzziness of the rank of that node, of the objective orderability of a graph's nodes, and of the quality of results returned by different ranking algorithms based on the random surfer model.rnWe deploy our analytical tools on a 41M node snapshot of the .it Web domain and on a 0.7M node snapshot of the CiteSeer citation graph. Among other findings, we show that rank is indeed relatively stable in both graphs; that "classic" PageRank (d = 0.85) marginally outperforms Weighted In-degree (d → 0), mainly due to its ability to ferret out "niche" items; and that, for both the Web and CiteSeer, the ideal damping factor appears to be 0.8 - 0.9 to obtain those items of high importance to at least one (model of randomly surfing) user, but only 0.5 - 0.6 to obtain those items important to every (model of randomly surfing) user.
机译:PageRank阻尼系数的变化在多大程度上可以影响节点排名?我们证明,至少在某些图形上,前k个节点假设所有可能的k!即使阻尼系数在任意小的间隔内变化(例如[0.84999,0.85001]),阻尼系数也会变化。因此,当阻尼因子在连续区间内变化时,给定(有限组离散)阻尼因子的节点等级几乎无法提供有关该节点等级的信息.rn我们绕过了这个问题,引入了沿袭分析和证明有一个简单的条件,它具有独立于PageRank的“自然”解释,如果一个节点同时针对所有阻尼因子和所有阻尼变量(非正式地,时变阻尼因子)优于另一节点,则允许一个节点“一次验证”。节点强秩和弱秩的新颖概念可以度量该节点的秩的模糊性,图节点的客观可排序性以及基于随机冲浪者的不同排名算法返回的结果的质量model.rn我们将分析工具部署在.it Web域的41M节点快照和CiteSeer引用图的0.7M节点快照上。在其他发现中,我们表明,在两个图中,秩的确相对稳定。 “经典” PageRank(d = 0.85)略胜于加权内向度(d→0),这主要是由于其能够剔除“小众”项目的能力;并且对于Web和CiteSeer而言,对于至少一个(随机冲浪的模型)用户而言,对于那些具有重要意义的项目,理想的阻尼系数似乎为0.8-0.9,而对于那些对于每个(随机冲浪的模型)用户。



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