
Computational Modeling of Near-Source Deposition ofFugitive Dust on Vegetative Surfaces


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Near-source deposition of vehicle-generated fugitive dust on vegetation, fences, buildingsrnand other vertical surfaces has been proposed as a mechanism that can explain thernobserved discrepancy between the contribution of suspended geological materialrnpredicted by emission inventories and the composition measured on receptor filters. Tornmodel the near-source (3-100 m downwind) deposition of fugitive dust, a quasi-twodimensionalrncomputational model was developed that includes the effects of atmosphericrnstability and surface roughness. The model is based on an Eulerian atmospheric diffusionrnequation (ADE) and includes advection, turbulent diffusion, and particle depositionrnvelocity on both the horizontal surface (i.e. the ground) and on roughness elements suchrnas buildings and vegetation. Model parameters for both wind profile and deposition werernset a priori using typical field data and literature values. Depending on site conditions,rnthe model predictions for PM10 range particles indicated large variations in the fraction ofrndust that was transported. The model was used to analyze the particle deposition datarnfrom field experiments that involved 1) an unstable atmosphere at a site with sparse lowrnvegetation 2) a stable atmosphere at a site with an array of 2.5 m high shipping containersrnsimulating buildings.rnThe model showed that atmospheric stability and surface roughness are importantrnvariables affecting the near-source transport and deposition of vehicle-generated dust.rnThe greatest uncertainty in the model is the parameter for the particle deposition ratern(mass deposited / particle concentration time). Further experiments and theoreticalrnanalysis are needed to develop a submodel to predict this parameter as a function ofrngroundcover, vegetative surface geometry, and turbulent wind field properties.
机译:有人提出将车辆产生的扬尘在植物,围栏,建筑物和其他垂直表面上的近源沉积作为一种机制,可以解释由排放清单预测的悬浮地质材料的贡献与在接收器过滤器上测得的成分之间存在的固有差异。通过对短时尘埃的近源(顺风3-100 m)沉积模型进行建模,建立了准二维计算模型,该模型包括大气稳定性和表面粗糙度的影响。该模型基于欧拉大气扩散方程(ADE),并包括在水平表面(即地面)以及粗糙元素(如建筑物和植被)上的对流,湍流扩散和颗粒沉积速度。使用典型的田间数据和文献资料先验地设定了风廓线和沉积的模型参数。根据现场条件,对PM10范围颗粒的模型预测表明,所输送的粉尘比例差异很大。该模型用于分析来自现场实验的颗粒沉积数据,其中包括1)植被稀疏的地方的大气不稳定2)装有2.5 m高运输集装箱阵列的场所的稳定大气模拟建筑物。模型表明大气稳定性表面粗糙度和表面粗糙度是影响车辆产生的粉尘近源传输和沉积的重要变量。rn模型中最大的不确定性是颗粒沉积速率的参数(沉积质量/颗粒集中时间)。需要进一步的实验和理论分析来开发一个子模型,以预测该参数作为地被植物,植物表面几何形状和湍流风场特性的函数。



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