
Mechanisms of NOx Removal from Flue Gas by ZeroValent Iron


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Chemical reaction between nitrogen monoxide (NO) and zero valent iron (ZVI) was studiedrnin a packed bed column process with high temperatures based on ZVI strong reducingrnabilities. For six controlled temperatures of 523 K-773K and 400 ppm of NO (typical flue gasrntemperature and concentration), under short empty bed contact time (EBCT) (0.0225 sec torn0.0679 sec), NO was completely removed for temperature of 573 K-773 K, but not for 523 K.rnExhaustion test was conducted for the five working temperatures and the results indicated NOrnreductions by ZVI (mg NO/g ZVI) were varied from 1.0 mg NO/g ZVI (low temperatures andrnshort detention time) to 11.1 mg NO/g ZVI (high temperatures and long detention time). XRDrn(X-Ray Diffraction) and ESCA (Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis) were conductedrnto analyze the crystal structure and oxidation state of the reacted ZVI. Four layers of ironrnspecies were detected by XRD: Feo(ZVI),FeO, Fe3O4 and Fe2O3. ZVI was the most prevalentrnspecies, Fe3O4 and Fe2O3 were less, and there was only slight peak for FeO from the XRDrnanalysis. By ESCA, the oxidation state on the reacted ZVI surface was determined and thernspecies was identified as Fe2O3, which is the most oxidizing species for iron. Therefore, fourrnlayers from the ZVI core to the ZVI surface can be identified: ZVI, FeO, Fe3O4 and Fe2O3.rnCombining the results from XRD and ESCA, the mechanisms for ZVI and NO can bernproposed as three consecutive reactions from lower oxidation state (ZVI) in the core to higherrnoxidation state on the iron surface (Fe2O3) (1) 2Fe+2NO←(hight temperature)→high temperatue 2FeO+N2(2) 6FeO+2NO←(hight temperature)→high temperatue 2Fe3O4+N2 (3) 4Fe3O4+2NO←(hight temperature)→high temperatue 6Fe2O3+N2.rnSince there was only less than 2 % ZVI used to remove NO comparing to theoretical ZVIrnused based on the proposed stoichiometry, it can be concluded that the heterogeneous reactionrnwas only occurred on the ZVI surface instead of bulk of the ZVI.
机译:一氧化氮(NO)和零价铁(ZVI)之间的化学反应是基于ZVI的强还原能力,在高温填充床柱工艺中进行的。对于六个受控温度523 K-773K和400 ppm的NO(典型的烟气温度和浓度),在较短的空床接触时间(EBCT)(0.0225秒至0.0679秒)下,温度为573 K-时,NO被完全去除。 773 K,而不是523K。在五个工作温度下进行了疲劳试验,结果表明ZVI的NO还原量(mg NO / g ZVI)从1.0 mg NO / g ZVI(低温和短停留时间)变化至11.1。 mg NO / g ZVI(高温和长时间滞留)。进行了XRD衍射(X射线衍射)和ESCA(化学分析电子光谱)分析反应后的ZVI的晶体结构和氧化态。 X射线衍射检测出四层铁物种:Feo(ZVI),FeO,Fe3O4和Fe2O3。 XVI分析表明,ZVI是最常见的物种,Fe3O4和Fe2O3较少,FeO仅出现一个小峰。通过ESCA,确定了反应后的ZVI表面的氧化态,并确定了其中的种类为Fe2O3,它是铁的最大氧化物种。因此,可以确定从ZVI核心到ZVI表面的四个层:ZVI,FeO,Fe3O4和Fe2O3.rn结合XRD和ESCA的结果,可以提出ZVI和NO的机理为低氧化态(ZVI)的三个连续反应在铁表面(Fe2O3)处于较高r氧化状态的核中(1)2Fe + 2NO←(高温)→高温2FeO + N2(2)6FeO + 2NO←(高温)→高温2Fe3O4 + N2(3) 4Fe3O4 + 2NO←(高温)→高温6Fe2O3 + N2.rn由于与基于建议的化学计量法使用的理论ZVI相比,用于去除NO的ZVI仅少于2%,因此可以得出结论,异质反应仅发生在ZVI表面而不是ZVI的主体。



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