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A new model for accurate colorimetric characterization of liquid crystal displays


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For accurate colorimetric characterization of liquid crystal displays (LCDs), a new model, piecewise partition model (PP model), was proposed. The PP model divides the digital input values into three segments for each color channel and the device space into three kinds of subspaces according to the properties of the channel chromaticity and their interactions. The characterization process mainly involves two steps. Firstly, the relationship between the CIE 1931 tristimulus values and their corresponding digital input values of primary channels are regressed with piecewise quadratic polynomial. secondly, the two-or three- channels'crosstalk items, expressed with the production of two-or three-channels'digital input values, respectively, are inserted into the model to represent the subspaces'color characteristics. Comparing with Three Dimension Look-up Table (3D- LUT), Masking, S-Curve, and Two-Primary Crosstalk models, the accuracy of the PP model surpassed all other models except for the 3D-LUT, while the number of training samples for 3D-LUT was about 11 times of that for the PP model. Hereby, in the case of less training samples, the PP model achieved comparatively the best performance.
机译:为了对液晶显示器(LCD)进行准确的比色表征,提出了一种新的模型,即分段分配模型(PP model)。 PP模型根据通道色度的性质及其交互作用,将每个色彩通道的数字输入值分为三个部分,将设备空间分为三个子空间。表征过程主要包括两个步骤。首先,用分段二次多项式对CIE 1931三刺激值与其对应的主通道数字输入值之间的关系进行回归。其次,将分别用两通道或三通道数字输入值的产生表示的两通道或三通道的串扰项插入模型中,以表示子空间的颜色特性。与三维查找表(3D-LUT),掩蔽,S曲线和二原边串扰模型相比,PP模型的准确性超过了除3D-LUT之外的所有其他模型,而训练样本的数量3D-LUT的尺寸大约是PP模型的11倍。因此,在训练样本较少的情况下,PP模型取得了相对最佳的性能。



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