首页> 外文会议>AHS International Annual Forum v.2; 20040607-20040610; Baltimore,MD; US >The application of power - Rolls-Royce turboshaft operational experience during Operation Iraqi Freedom Op Telic

The application of power - Rolls-Royce turboshaft operational experience during Operation Iraqi Freedom Op Telic


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Rolls-Royce powered helicopters have been serving at front-line of U.S/UK-led coalition operations in Iraq, conducted under the names of Operation Iraq Freedom (OIF) and Operation Telic, respectively. Rolls-Royce powered rotorcraft actively participated in the major combat operations which officially ended in May 2003, and have been continuing to serve in the region as part of the stabilizing force retained there since. This paper will review the operational experience of these and other Rolls-Royce powered helicopter types in Iraq, including the first wartime deployment of the RTM322 in the Merlin HM Mk.1; the successful employment of new engine barrier filters (EBFs); and the accelerated introduction of urgent operational requirements, such as tropical kits for UK Gnome engines. The paper will also consider the implications of this operational experience for future military engine support.
机译:罗尔斯·罗伊斯(Rolls-Royce)动力直升机一直在以美国/英国为首的联军在伊拉克的一线行动中服役,分别以“伊拉克自由行动”(OIF)和“泰利奇行动”的名义开展。罗尔斯·罗伊斯(Rolls-Royce)动力旋翼机积极参加了主要战斗行动,该行动于2003年5月正式结束,自那以后一直作为该地区稳定部队的一部分继续在该地区服务。本文将回顾这些和其他劳斯莱斯动力直升机在伊拉克的作战经验,包括在梅林HM Mk.1中第一次在战时部署RTM322;成功使用新的发动机屏障过滤器(EBF);以及紧急引入紧急操作要求,例如英国Gnome发动机的热带套件。本文还将考虑这种操作经验对未来军事引擎支持的意义。



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