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Smart Mobility: new roles for Telcos in the emergence of electric and autonomous vehicles

机译:Smart Mobility:Telcos在电动和自动驾驶汽车中的新角色

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The term Smart Mobility refers to the innovation of transport systems through intelligent and highly technological management of the movement of people and goods to reduce waste of time and money, reduce environmental impact and improve safety. Smart Mobility offers several ideas for the evolution of the telecommunication operator's business even in distant areas. In this article we analyse the opportunities brought by of electric and autonomous vehicles in terms of electric charging services and vehicle software update secure procedures, giving evidence to existing use cases.
机译:术语“智能出行”是指通过对人员和货物移动进行智能和高科技管理来减少时间和金钱的浪费,减少对环境的影响并提高安全性的运输系统的创新。即使在遥远的地区,Smart Mobility也为电信运营商的业务发展提供了多种思路。在本文中,我们从充电服务和车辆软件更新安全程序方面分析了电动和自动驾驶车辆带来的机遇,为现有用例提供了证据。



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