首页> 外文会议>Advancements in Adaptive Optics pt.3 >Cone-effect-free Adaptive-optics Laser-guide-star Development for the ELTs

Cone-effect-free Adaptive-optics Laser-guide-star Development for the ELTs


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The goal of the CALDO experiments is to demonstrate Laser Guide Star technologies which can scale directly to a 100m diameter primary aperture, and which are not compromised by the cone-effect at very large telescope diameters. The laser guide star group at ESO and the adaptive optics group at Durham have proposed two different laser wavefront sensing methods designed to meet this goal. Though based on quite different physical principles, the two methods achieve then- scalability through the use of a parallel sensing beam projected from the whole of the telescope primary mirror. They can therefore both be demonstrated by performing a scaled-down projection and sensing experiment on a smaller telescope. The CALDO experiments evaluate the ESO and Durham methods concurrently and provide a comparison with Natural Guide Star wavefront sensing, and with each other, without the uncertainty introduced into a separate evaluation by changing atmospheric conditions. The location for CALDO is the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope, which has the advantage of the GHRIL Nasmyth facility for adaptive optics experiments and which has already been used by the Durham group for shared-optics launch experiments with a laser guide star. We describe the ESO and Durham methods, the current progress on the experimental subsystems, and the projected timescales for the experiments.
机译:CALDO实验的目的是演示可直接缩放至100m直径主孔径的Laser Guide Star技术,并且在非常大的望远镜直径下不受锥效应的影响。 ESO的激光导星组和Durham的自适应光学组提出了两种不同的激光波阵面传感方法,旨在满足这一目标。尽管基于完全不同的物理原理,但这两种方法通过使用从整个望远镜主镜投射的平行传感光束实现了可伸缩性。因此,可以通过在较小的望远镜上按比例缩小的投影和传感实验来证明它们。 CALDO实验同时评估了ESO和Durham方法,并与自然指南星波前感测以及彼此之间进行了比较,而不会因改变大气条件而将不确定性引入单独的评估中。 CALDO的位置是4.2m的William Herschel望远镜,该望远镜具有GHRIL Nasmyth设施进行自适应光学实验的优势,并且Durham集团已经将其用于与激光制导星的共享光学发射实验。我们描述了ESO和Durham方法,实验子系统的当前进展以及预计的实验时间表。



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