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Semi-Automated Rediscovery of Lost YouTube Music Videos




Users frequently post popular material to YouTube, and in response, others link to these videos from social media, blogs, forums, and email. However, this content may be removed for numerous reasons, only to resurface again at another URL. This continuous movement and breaking of the web graph makes it difficult for users to relocate content that has moved in YouTube. We present Volitrax, an add-on for FireFox which redirects users to YouTube music videos that have moved to a different URL within YouTube. Volitrax acts as an intermediary that corrects the web graph transparently so YouTube links continue to work even after the content has changed locations.
机译:用户经常在YouTube上发布受欢迎的资料,作为回应,其他人从社交媒体,博客,论坛和电子邮件链接到这些视频。但是,由于多种原因,可能会删除此内容,而只是在另一个URL上再次出现。网络图表的不断移动和破坏使用户很难重新定位已在YouTube中移动的内容。我们展示了Volitrax,它是FireFox的附加组件,可将用户重定向到YouTube音乐视频,这些视频已移至YouTube中的其他URL。 Volitrax充当中介,可以透明地纠正网络图形,因此即使内容已更改位置,YouTube链接也可以继续工作。



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