首页> 外文会议>ACM symposium on principles of distributed computing >Weak Models of Distributed Computing, with Connections to Modal Logic

Weak Models of Distributed Computing, with Connections to Modal Logic




This work presents a classification of weak models of distributed computing. We focus on deterministic distributed algorithms, and we study models of computing that are weaker versions of the widely-studied port-numbering model. In the port-numbering model, a node of degree d receives messages through d input ports and it sends messages through d output ports, both numbered with 1, 2,.... d. In this work, VV_c is the class of all graph problems that can be solved in the standard port-numbering model. We study the following subclasses of VV_c: VV: Input port i and output port i are not necessarily connected to the same neighbour. MV: Input ports are not numbered; algorithms receive a multiset of messages. SV: Input ports are not numbered; algorithms receive a set of messages. VB: Output ports are not numbered; algorithms send the same message to all output ports. MB: Combination of MV and VB. SB: Combination of SV and VB. Now we have many trivial containment relations, such as SB in contained in MB in contained in VB in contained in VV in contained in VV_c, but it is not obvious if, e.g., either of VB in contained in SV or SV in contained in VB should hold. Nevertheless, it turns out that we can identify a linear order on these classes. We prove that SB in contained in MB = VB in contained in SV = MV = VV in contained in VV_c. The same holds for the constant-time versions of these classes. We also show that the constant-time variants of these classes can be characterised by a corresponding modal logic. Hence the linear order identified in this work has direct implications in the study of the expressibility of modal logic. Conversely, we can use tools from modal logic to study these classes.
机译:这项工作提出了分布式计算的弱模型的分类。我们关注确定性分布式算法,并研究计算模型,这些模型是广泛研究的端口编号模型的较弱版本。在端口编号模型中,度为d的节点通过d个输入端口接收消息,并通过d个输出端口发送消息,这两个端口均用1、2,...,d编号。在这项工作中,VV_c是所有可以在标准端口号模型中解决的图形问题的类。我们研究VV_c的以下子类:VV:输入端口i和输出端口i不一定连接到同一邻居。 MV:输入端口未编号;算法接收多组消息。 SV:输入端口未编号;算法接收到一组消息。 VB:输出端口未编号;算法将相同的消息发送到所有输出端口。 MB:MV和VB的组合。 SB:SV和VB的组合。现在我们有许多琐碎的包含关系,例如SB包含在MB中包含在VB中包含在VV包含在VV_c中包含在VB中,但是,例如,SV包含在VB中还是VB包含在SV中并不明显应该持有。尽管如此,事实证明我们可以在这些类上确定线性顺序。我们证明MB中包含的SB = V中包含的SV = MV = VV_c中包含的VV。这些类的固定时间版本也是如此。我们还表明,这些类别的恒定时间变体可以通过相应的模态逻辑来表征。因此,这项工作中确定的线性顺序对模态逻辑可表达性的研究具有直接的意义。相反,我们可以使用模态逻辑中的工具来研究这些类。



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