首页> 外文会议>ACIAR Proceedings no.120; Workshop on Spiny Lobster Ecology and Exploitation in the South China Sea Region; 200407; Nha Trang(VN) >Key Issues for Sustaining Aquaculture Production of the Spiny Lobster, Panulirus ornatus, in Vietnam

Key Issues for Sustaining Aquaculture Production of the Spiny Lobster, Panulirus ornatus, in Vietnam

机译:维持越南龙虾Panulirus ornatus水产养殖生产的关键问题

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The grow-out of juvenile P. ornatus in Vietnam has created a substantial industry, and delivered new and lucrative livelihoods to coastal communities. However, urgent attention must now be paid to identifying: (1) the population of spiny lobsters that supplies the puerulus larvae; and (2) the sustainable rates of catch for both pueruli and adults. Recommended catch rates can be expected to change from year to year due to environmental factors affecting settlement that are beyond the control of managers. Assessments also need to be made about how to use the spiny lobster resource in the best interests of the country. Given the considerable gains in survival of juveniles that is possible through aquaculture, leading to substantial increases in production, reductions in the catch of adults may need to be considered to promote the supply of puerulus larvae for growout. Provided that the juveniles can be reared in ways that do not have adverse effects on other species, this may lead to a new paradigm for fishing for spiny lobsters, by way of exploiting the juveniles and safeguarding the adults.
机译:越南斑节对虾的长势发展造就了庞大的产业,并为沿海社区带来了新的有利可图的生计。但是,现在必须紧急注意确定:(1)供给小生幼虫的多刺龙虾种群; (2)产仔和成虫的可持续捕获率。由于影响沉降的环境因素超出了管理人员的控制范围,因此建议的捕捞率预计每年都会变化。还需要评估如何使用多刺龙虾资源,以符合该国的最大利益。鉴于通过水产养殖可以使少年成活率显着提高,从而导致产量大幅度提高,因此可能需要考虑减少成年捕捞量,以促进成虫幼体的供应。只要能够以不对其他物种产生不利影响的方式养成幼鱼,这可能会通过剥削幼鱼和保护成年的方式,为捕捞多刺龙虾提供新的范例。



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