
Premises and realities of agricultural benefits from large dams


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Feasibility studies of large dams attempt to optimise the sum of benefits accrued from the 'best management options' for reservoirs. The 'best management' is a result of a comprehensive analysis of economic, social and environmental benefits from power generation, agricultural production, flood and erosion control, water supply, river navigation, nature conservation, and seawater intrusion control. Agricultural benefits are estimated on the basis of increased availability of irrigation water in the dry season, reduced flooding of farmland, and diminished soil and riverbank erosion. The assumptions made during feasibility assessments of agricultural economic and social benefits may, however, never be realised. Downstream effects of large dams, suggest that farmers may not receive the benefits cited in the feasibility studies. On the contrary, increased hardship for many farmers is often the reality. In some cases, the river flow in the dry season has been reduced, and erosion and flooding of agricultural land have become more severe in both the wet and dry seasons. The disparity between plans and reality can be attributed to how dams operate. Studies on the causes of environmental damage and effects of different operation schemes are needed to prepare more realistic project plans and environmental impact assessments. The development goals for large dams can only be reached if the 'best management option' outlined in the feasibility studies are observed.
机译:大型水坝的可行性研究试图优化水库“最佳管理方案”产生的总收益。 “最佳管理”是对发电,农业生产,洪水和侵蚀控制,供水,河流航行,自然保护和海水入侵控制所产生的经济,社会和环境效益进行综合分析的结果。估计农业收益的依据是干旱季节灌溉用水的增加,农田的洪水减少以及土壤和河岸侵蚀的减少。但是,对农业经济和社会效益进行可行性评估时所做的假设可能永远无法实现。大型水坝的下游影响表明,农民可能无法获得可行性研究中提到的收益。相反,对于许多农民来说,增加困难常常是现实。在某些情况下,干旱季节的河流流量减少了,在潮湿季节和干旱季节,农田的侵蚀和洪水泛滥都更加严重。计划与现实之间的差异可以归因于大坝的运作方式。为了准备更现实的项目计划和环境影响评估,需要研究环境破坏的原因和不同操作方案的影响。只有遵守可行性研究中概述的“最佳管理方案”,才能达到大型水坝的发展目标。



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