
Estimation on Representative Plane Dimension of Rural Residential Buildings at Regional Scale


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The construction of a representative geometry model of residential building at regional scale is a basic work to estimate building energy consumption and establish new policies for building reconstruction. However, the research on how to build representative geometry models for rural residential buildings at the region level is still neglected. Such a problem considered in this paper provides a method to build a representative two-dimension plane model for rural residential buildings in a certain region. There are three basic steps in this method. First, building lengths and building widths of residential buildings in a certain region are acquired with Google Earth. Secondly, frequency distribution statistics for the acquired data of building lengths and widths is conducted. If similarities between them are shown through frequency distribution charts, the third step can be continued. In the last step, K-mean value cluster analysis, a statistics method provided in SPSS software, is utilized to estimate the representative building length and building width at regional scale. To show more details about this method, the region of Jiaxing in China is taken as a case to obtain the representative two-dimensional plane model. In the future, representative 3D models for rural residential buildings at regional scale will be further explored.
机译:在区域范围内构建具有代表性的住宅建筑几何模型是估算建筑能耗并为建筑重建制定新政策的基础性工作。然而,关于如何建立区域级农村住宅建筑代表性几何模型的研究仍被忽略。本文中考虑的这一问题提供了一种方法,可以为特定地区的农村住宅建筑建立具有代表性的二维平面模型。此方法包含三个基本步骤。首先,使用Google Earth获取特定区域内住宅建筑的建筑长度和建筑宽度。其次,对获取的建筑物长度和宽度数据进行频率分布统计。如果通过频率分布图显示了它们之间的相似性,则可以继续执行第三步。在最后一步中,利用SPSS软件中提供的一种统计方法K-均值聚类分析来估算区域规模的代表性建筑物长度和建筑物宽度。为了显示有关此方法的更多细节,以中国嘉兴地区为例,以获得代表性的二维平面模型。将来,将进一步探索区域规模的农村住宅建筑的代表性3D模型。



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