首页> 外文会议>The 8th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion >Voltage regulation via photovoltaic (PV) inverters in distribution grids with high PV penetration levels

Voltage regulation via photovoltaic (PV) inverters in distribution grids with high PV penetration levels


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The need to switch from conventional ways of energy production to renewable power generation creates new challenges for utilities and power producers as the distribution network is still set to operate in a passive way transferring the energy from power stations to consumers. This paper focuses on the study of varying concentrations of photovoltaic (PV) systems on a proposed electricity grid in an attempt to propose corrective actions based on the distribution grid dynamics. From simulations of varying concentrations of PV systems, it has been observed that no significant voltage distortion is caused when the inverters comply with standard EN 61727. The only problem seen while increasing the PV penetration levels above the load demand is the overvoltages during high PV power production. Based on that observation, a voltage regulation scheme is utilized to maintain the voltage quality at acceptable levels set by international standards and the outcomes are evaluated.
机译:从传统的能源生产方式转变为可再生能源发电的需求给公用事业和电力生产商带来了新的挑战,因为配电网仍将以被动方式运行,将能源从发电站转移到用户。本文重点研究提议的电网上不同浓度的光伏(PV)系统,以尝试根据配电网动态提出纠正措施。通过对光伏系统浓度变化的模拟,可以发现,当逆变器符合标准EN 61727时,不会引起明显的电压畸变。在将PV穿透水平提高至负载需求以上时,唯一看到的问题是高PV功率时的过电压。生产。基于该观察结果,采用电压调节方案将电压质量保持在国际标准设定的可接受水平,并对结果进行评估。



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