
Asymmetric Triangular Fuzzy Sets for Classification Models


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Decision trees have already proved to be important in solving classification problems in various fields of application in the real world. The ID3 algorithm by Quinlan is one of the well-known methods to form a classification tree. Baldwin introduced probabilistic fuzzy decision trees in which fuzzy partitions were used to discretize continuous feature universes. Here, we have introduced a way of fuzzy partitioning in which we can have asymmetric triangular fuzzy sets for mass assignments approach to fuzzy logic. In this paper we have shown with example that the use of asymmetric and unevenly spaced triangular fuzzy sets will reduce the number of fuzzy sets and will also increase the efficiency of probabilistic fuzzy decision tree.
机译:事实证明,决策树对于解决各种应用领域中的分类问题非常重要。 Quinlan的ID3算法是形成分类树的著名方法之一。 Baldwin引入了概率模糊决策树,其中使用模糊分区离散化连续特征宇宙。在这里,我们介绍了一种模糊划分的方法,其中我们可以使用不对称三角模糊集来进行模糊逻辑的质量分配。在本文中,我们通过示例显示了使用不对称且间距不均匀的三角模糊集将减少模糊集的数量,并且还将提高概率模糊决策树的效率。



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