
Intelligent Control of Modular Robotic Welding Cell


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Although robotic machines are routinely used for welding, such machines do not normally incorporate intelligent capabilities. We are studying the general problem of formulating usable levels of intelligence into welding machines. From our perspective, an intelligent machine should: incorporate knowledge of the welding process, know if the process is operating correctly, know if the weld it is making is good or bad, have the ability to learn from its experience to perform welds, and be able to optimize its own performance. To this end, we are researching machine architecture, methods of knowledge representation, decision making and conflict resolution algorithms, methods of learning and optimization, human/machine interfaces, and various sensors. This paper presents work on the machine architecture and the human/machine interface specifically for a robotic, gas metal arc welding cell. Although the machine control problem is normally approached from the perspective of having a central body of control in the machine, we present a design using distributed agents. This new design is loosely based on biological models of social insects. For example, in an ant colony each ant functions according to local rules of behavior [Hoelldobler and Wilson, 1990, see chapters 8 and 9]. There is no "king" or "queen", although the latter name has been given to the reproducing ant. Following a similar approach, we present a modular machine architecture in which each machine element has local rules of behavior but no single element understands how to make a weld. A prime goal of this work is to develop an architecture for an intelligent machine that will support a modular, plug and play standard. A secondary goal of this work is to formulate a human/machine interface that treats the human as an active agent in the modular structure.
机译:尽管通常将机器人机器用于焊接,但此类机器通常不具备智能功能。我们正在研究在焊接机中制定可用的智能水平的一般问题。从我们的角度来看,一台智能机器应该:融合焊接过程的知识,知道该过程是否正确运行,知道所进行的焊接的好坏,具有学习经验进行焊接的能力,并且能够做到能够优化自己的性能。为此,我们正在研究机器体系结构,知识表示方法,决策和冲突解决算法,学习和优化方法,人机界面以及各种传感器。本文介绍了专门用于机器人气体金属电弧焊单元的机器架构和人机界面的工作。尽管通常从在机器中具有控制中心这一角度来解决机器控制问题,但我们提出了一种使用分布式代理的设计。此新设计大致基于社交昆虫的生物学模型。例如,在一个蚁群中,每个蚂蚁都根据当地的行为规则起作用[Hoelldobler and Wilson,1990,请参见第8和9章]。尽管已将“后代”名称赋予了蚂蚁,但没有“王”或“女王”。遵循类似的方法,我们提出了一种模块化的机器架构,其中每个机器元素都有局部的行为规则,但是没有一个元素能理解如何进行焊接。这项工作的主要目标是为智能机器开发一种支持模块化,即插即用标准的体系结构。这项工作的第二个目标是制定一个人机界面,将人作为模块化结构中的活性剂。



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