
The regional distribution of indoor radon concentration in Germany


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According to the recommendations of the ICRP and the German Commission on Radiological Protection, areas should be identified where increased radon concentrations in buildings occur more frequently than on the countrywide average. Based on investigations of radon concentration in soil air, the areas of Germany have been classified. Comparing the soil gas classes with the radon concentrations in dwellings, we found that in regions with a soil gas radon concentration of up to 10 kBq/m~3 (about 25% of the total area of Germany), the probability that indoor concentrations above 400 Bq/m~3 occur is in the order of 0.1%; values of more than 1000 Bq/m~3 can be excluded. The assessment of about 20 000 indoor measurements in areas with radon concentrations in soil air in the range between 10 and 100 kBq/m~3 showed that radon concentrations >400 Bq/m~3 occur only in 0.2% of the investigated dwelling stock. However, occurrences of more than 1000 Bq/m~3 cannot be excluded completely. A rather clear increase of the number of dwellings with radon concentrations greater than 400 and 1000 Bq/m~3 has been found in areas with soil gas radon concentration >100 kBq/m~3 (about 6% of the area).
机译:根据国际放射防护委员会和德国放射防护委员会的建议,应确定建筑物中ra浓度比全国平均水平更频繁出现的区域。根据对土壤空气中ra浓度的调查,对德国地区进行了分类。将土壤气体类别与住宅中的concentrations气浓度进行比较,我们发现在土壤gas气浓度高达10 kBq / m〜3(约占德国总面积的25%)的区域中,室内浓度高于400 Bq / m〜3的发生率为0.1%左右;可以排除大于1000 Bq / m〜3的值。在土壤空气中ra浓度在10至100 kBq / m〜3范围内的区域进行的约20000次室内测量的评估表明,ra浓度> 400 Bq / m〜3的仅发生在0.2%的被调查住宅中。但是,不能完全排除超过1000 Bq / m〜3的出现。在土壤气体ra浓度> 100 kBq / m〜3(约占面积的6%)的地区,发现concentrations浓度大于400和1000 Bq / m〜3的住宅数量有了明显增加。



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