首页> 外文会议>4th International Symposium on Architectural Interchange in Asia; Sep 17-19, 2002; Chongqing, China >Bahay na bato in Vigan: an Eclectic House Style in the Nineteenth-Century Philippines

Bahay na bato in Vigan: an Eclectic House Style in the Nineteenth-Century Philippines

机译:Vigan的Bahay na bato:十九世纪菲律宾的折衷主义房屋风格

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This paper introduces a historical residential architecture in Vigan (Ilocos Sur, Northern Luzon, Philippines). Founded in 1574 by Spaniards, Vigan became a commercial- and industrial town prospered by Chinese, Chinese mestizos and natives. The wealthy mestizo class in the 19th century built costly residences called bahay na bato (house of stone) along the grid-patterned streets in the city proper. In December 1999, UNESCO registered Vigan townscape as a World Heritage site, recognizing bahay na bato as a historical "Filipino" architecture. First, this paper explains the history of urban residence in Manila during the Spanish colonial period (1571-1896). By the middle of the 19th century, the urban abode in Manila formed a certain style, bahay na bato, and prevailed in coastal towns in Luzon and Visayas. Bahay na bato has a unique structure, reflecting the environment. Bricks and plaster cover the wooden posts, as a solution to frequent fire and earthquake. The distinctive capiz shell window shows eclectic craftsmanship of Chinese, natives, and possibly Japanese. Following plan analysis of Vigan's existing bahay na batos consists of the study of spatial patterns, house types and the relationship between house- and lot sizes. Examining bahay na bato further suggests the correspondence in block subdivision system, between Vigan and the Spanish colonial towns in Central- and South Americas.
机译:本文介绍了Vigan(菲律宾北吕宋岛Ilocos Sur)的历史民居建筑。 Vigan由西班牙人于1574年建立,后来成为由中国,中国混血儿和当地人繁荣的商业和工业城镇。 19世纪,富有的混血阶级在城市适当的网格状街道上建造了昂贵的住宅,称为bahay na bato(石屋)。 1999年12月,联合国教科文组织将维甘市镇景观注册为世界遗产,承认bahay na bato是历史悠久的“菲律宾”建筑。首先,本文解释了西班牙殖民时期(1571-1896)马尼拉城市居住的历史。到19世纪中叶,马尼拉的城市居所形成了某种风格,即bahay na bato,并在吕宋岛和米沙ya群岛的沿海城镇盛行。 Bahay na bato具有独特的结构,反映了环境。砖和灰泥覆盖了木桩,以解决频繁发生的火灾和地震。独特的卡皮兹贝壳窗显示了中国人,当地人甚至可能是日本人的折衷工艺。根据Vigan现有的bahay na batos的计划分析,包括对空间模式,房屋类型以及房屋与地块大小之间关系的研究。检查bahay na bato进一步建议在Vigan与中美洲和南美洲的西班牙殖民城镇之间的街区细分系统中存在对应关系。



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