
Stretching Boundaries of Mould Operation With Castcoat?


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Corns Process Engineering have fully established their Castcoat ceramic coating of the copper plates of moulds from slab and bloom casters. A particular recent development has been to coat the mould plates of a large bloom caster producing engineering steels. Improvements in machine casting time availability have resulted from increased longevity of the mould plates (less mould exchanges). Additionally the steel plant schedulers have seen benefits from the fact that the mould bore sees virtually zero wear during the casting campaign life of the mould, meaning any steel grade can be cast at any time between the moulds major refurbishments. Refurbishment frequency and costs have been substantially reduced and to ensure compatibility of life, bloom and slab mould foot rolls have also been successfully ceramic coated. The coating is a mature product having originally been developed for the end plates of thick slab casters, but is now regularly used on thin slab caster end plates as well as the broad plates of many slab casters including thin slab funnel mould broad plates worldwide. During the past years the coatings useful life has been extended by development of special ceramic repair techniques thereby increasing the engineering refurbishment cost justification. Recently the coating has also been applied to 140mm × 300mm sections. Looking forward as more stringent environmental regulations are applied to the steel industry Castcoat will clearly have an important part to play in maximisation of efficient use of copper resources as well as offering an alternative to electroplated coatings whose application process creates waste management issues. Castcoat applications not only protect the "heart" of the casting machine, but provide the operational flexibility that allows known boundaries to be stretched even further. This paper outlines the coating process, lists the properties, discusses the specific benefits experienced by the steel plants and gives Corus Process Engineering's plans to service the Chinese market.
机译:Corns Process Engineering已完全建立了板坯和大方坯铸模的铜板的Castcoat陶瓷涂层。最近的特别发展是涂覆生产工程钢的大方坯连铸机的模板。延长了模板的使用寿命(减少了模具更换),从而提高了机器铸造时间的可用性。此外,钢厂调度员还受益于以下事实:在模具的浇铸运动期间,模具孔的磨损几乎为零,这意味着在模具大修之间的任何时间都可以浇铸任何钢种。翻新频率和成本已大大降低,并且为了确保使用寿命的兼容性,大方坯和板坯模底辊也已成功进行了陶瓷涂层。该涂料是一种成熟产品,最初是为厚板坯连铸机的端板开发的,但现在已广泛用于薄板坯连铸机的端板以及许多板坯连铸机的宽板,包括全球范围内的薄板漏斗模具宽板。在过去的几年中,通过开发特殊的陶瓷修复技术来延长涂料的使用寿命,从而增加了工程翻新成本的合理性。最近,该涂层也已应用于140mm×300mm的截面。展望未来,随着对钢铁行业实施更严格的环境法规,Castcoat显然将在最大程度地有效利用铜资源以及为电镀涂料的替代方法中发挥重要作用,电镀涂料的施用过程会产生废物管理问题。 Castcoat应用程序不仅保护了铸造机的“心脏”,而且还提供了操作灵活性,使已知边界得以进一步扩展。本文概述了涂层工艺,列出了性能,讨论了钢铁厂所享有的特殊利益,并给出了Corus Process Engineering为中国市场服务的计划。



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