
Alternative Medicine ― Impacts to Flying Safety


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Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapies have been functionally defined as interventions neither taught widely in medical schools nor generally available in US hospitals. The use of CAM treatments has been increasing due to greater adoption of these strategies by the public with health care professions and industries following public demand. Most patients use CAM along with conventional strategies, and it has been estimated that only about 5% of patients use only alternative treatments. Finally, an estimated 15 million adults in 1997 took prescription medications concurrently with herbal remedies and/or high dose vitamins (18.4% of all prescription users). CAM treatments are often assumed to be safer than conventional strategies, i.e. "natural". Some illustrative examples of CAM include herbal therapy, including St. John's Wort for depression, acupuncture, spinal adjustments for low back pain, therapeutic touch, and chelation therapy. Given the scope of this paper, we will cover primarily herbal therapy and the top ten (10) herbs in clinical practice. These herbs may be used by pilots to enhance health and performance and their uses, side effects and safety should be available to anyone concerned with the health and safety of pilots. An excellent reference for this topic is the monograph by Micozzi. (1) CAM use is increasing. It has been estimated that the proportion of patients trying CAM therapies has increased from 34% (427 million visits) in 1990 to 42% (629 million visits) in 1997. Overall expenditures have increased from $14 billion to $27 billion and most of these expenditures are not reimbursed by insurance. The therapies increasing the most included herbal medicine, massage, megavitamins, self-help groups, folk remedies, energy healing, and homeopathy. Of interest to the aviation medicine practitioner, the highest rates of use (50.1%) were reported for the 35-9 age group that may include many active pilots today. Higher usages were also noted for those with college education (50.6%) and with annual incomes above $50,000. Again, the professional pilots fit these categories;
机译:补充和替代医学(CAM)治疗在功能上已定义为既未在医学院中广泛教授的干预措施,也未在美国医院普遍使用的干预措施。 CAM疗法的使用一直在增加,这是由于公众对医疗保健专业和行业的关注程度不断提高,因此公众越来越多地采用这些策略。大多数患者将CAM与常规策略一起使用,据估计只有5%的患者仅使用替代疗法。最后,1997年估计有1500万成年人与草药和/或高剂量维生素同时服用处方药(占所有处方使用者的18.4%)。通常认为CAM治疗比常规治疗(即“自然疗法”)更安全。 CAM的一些示例性例子包括草药疗法,包括用于抑郁症的圣约翰草,针灸,用于腰痛的脊柱调节,治疗性触觉和螯合疗法。鉴于本文的范围,我们将主要介绍草药治疗和临床实践中排名前十(10)的草药。飞行员可以使用这些草药来增强健康和表现,并且与飞行员的健康和安全有关的任何人都应可以使用它们,副作用和安全性。关于此主题的绝佳参考是Micozzi的专着。 (1)CAM的使用正在增加。据估计,接受CAM治疗的患者比例从1990年的34%(4.27亿人次)增加到1997年的42%(6.29亿人次)。总支出已从140亿美元增加到270亿美元,其中大部分支出没有保险补偿。增加最多的疗法包括草药,按摩,巨型维生素,自助团体,民间疗法,能量疗法和顺势疗法。航空医学从业人员感兴趣的是,据报道35至9岁年龄组的使用率最高(50.1%),其中可能包括当今的许多活跃飞行员。具有较高学历的人(50.6%)和年收入超过50,000美元的人的使用率也更高。同样,专业飞行员符合这些类别。



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