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Eco-friendly river bank protection technologies using coir geotextiles


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This paper analyses the results of a field experiment conducted in Southern Kerala, India using coir geotextiles for riverbank protection. Coir geotextiles are reported to have applicability in conserving soil and moisture. Another reported advantage is its biodegradable nature, leaving no unwanted residues in ecosystem. Geotextiles cocolog has the ability to reduce water velocity by acting as semi- pervious media. This property of cocologs has prompted in using it for checking stream bank erosion as a temporary control material. Spurs constructed with cocologs at an interval of 20 meters at angle of 45°. Coconut logs were piled according to the pressure of the water current in the river. The cocologs were placed horizontally in between the coconut logs piled to the river bed. The number of cocologs varied from spurs to spurs depending on the condition and depth of riverbed; and the height of the spurs were maintained uniformly from the water level. The coir geotextiles of H2M6 (400 gsm) was placed connecting all the spurs 5 meters from the riverbank. In the context of sustainable eco-friendly riverbank management, this material can be used to strengthen the riverbank and protect them from erosion, which is cost effective and efficient compared to other conventional technologies. This technology not only prevent the riverbank erosion, but also helps in sediment the soil particles carried with the flood water along the river bank. It is further noted thatwithin a period of 14 months, natural vegetation was established on rear side of spurs predominant with reed and locally grown vegetation which consolidated the soil along the riverbank. After 30 months the spurs constructed with cocologs and coconut logs started biodegradation and by that time strong vegetation was established along river bank capable of arresting the erosion from bank completely.
机译:本文分析了印度南部喀拉拉邦使用椰壳土工布保护河岸的野外试验结果。据报道,椰壳土工布在保持土壤和水分方面具有适用性。另一个已报道的优势是其可生物降解的特性,不会在生态系统中留下不需要的残留物。土工布cocolog具有作为半透水介质降低水流速度的能力。 cocologs的这一特性促使人们将其用作检查河岸侵蚀的临时控制材料。马刺用古龙建造,间隔20米,成45度角。根据河中水流的压力堆放椰子原木。将古木水平放置在堆积到河床的椰子木之间。根据河床的状况和深度,古刺的数量因马刺而异。并且刺骨的高度从水位均匀地保持。放置了H2M6(400克/平方米)的椰壳土工布,连接距离河岸5米处的所有马刺。在可持续的生态友好型河岸管理的背景下,该材料可用于加强河岸并保护其不受侵蚀,与其他常规技术相比,该方法具有成本效益和效率。该技术不仅可以防止河岸侵蚀,而且还可以使洪水带走的土壤颗粒沿着河岸沉淀下来。还需要注意的是,在14个月内,在马刺的后部建立了天然植被,其中主要是芦苇和本地生长的植被,这些植被巩固了河岸的土壤。 30个月后,用椰子和椰子原木建造的马刺开始生物降解,到那时,沿河岸建立了牢固的植被,能够完全阻止河岸的侵蚀。



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