
Study of the water content balance between GCL and soil


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The series of tests GCL-confining soil shows that the bentonite is quickly hydrated in contact with a sand. Indeed, for a confining material with a water content of 12%, the tests showed that the water content of bentonite increased from 17% to 180% in 8 days The series of test GCL-support soil shows that the time of balance is longer (three weeks) than with confining soil. Indeed, gravity shows a strong influence in the case GCL-confing soil, where the balance water content is higher and the time of the balance is shorter. Th observation is reversed in the case GCL-support soil. The balance water content of bentonite decreases according to the normal stress. Figure 9 shows the evolution of the final water content of bentonite versus initial water content of the sand for both confining and support configurations. This evolution suggests the following comments: 1. The final water content of bentonite increases proportionally with the initial water content of the sand for confining or support configurations 2. The final water content of bentonite in contact with a confining soil is higher than with the same soil in support case (for the same conditions of water content of he soil).



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