首页> 外文会议>35th Annual Loss Prevention Symposium (LPS 2001), Apr 22-26, 2001, Houston, Texas >Validating a Risk-Based Inspection Tool The Evolution of the API RBI Protocol

Validating a Risk-Based Inspection Tool The Evolution of the API RBI Protocol

机译:验证基于风险的检查工具API RBI协议的发展

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Over the past few years, a group of companies working under the American Petroleum Institute have developed a risk-based inspection protocol. The original form of this protocol addressed pressure vessels and piping, and common failure mechanisms applicable to each, for chemicals common to the refining industry. Since then, the protocol has been expanded to address more failure mechanisms, new equipment items such as fired heaters, shell and tube heat exchangers, atmospheric storage tanks, and pressure relief valves, and additional chemicals. Throughout, the tool has been a relative risk-ranking method, incorporating relative measures of failure likelihood and failure consequence. In the past year, the tool has been validated and calibrated in absolute terms. This allows not only optimal allocation of a fixed number of resources, but defines the optimal level of resources in terms of actual dollars per year. This, in turn, allows rigorous cost-benefit analysis of inspection options. The API RBI protocol and the methods for validating it are presented. The implications of these findings on commonly held assumptions for equipment failure frequencies and consequence analyses used in quantitative risk assessments are also discussed.
机译:在过去的几年中,在美国石油协会(American Petroleum Institute)下工作的一组公司已制定了基于风险的检查协议。该协议的原始形式针对的是精炼行业常用的压力容器和管道,以及适用于每种容器的常见故障机制。从那时起,该协议已扩展为解决更多的故障机制,新的设备项目,例如燃烧加热器,管壳式换热器,常压储罐和泄压阀,以及其他化学品。自始至终,该工具一直是相对风险分级方法,结合了故障可能性和故障后果的相对度量。在过去的一年中,该工具已经过绝对验证和校准。这不仅允许最佳分配固定数量的资源,而且可以根据每年的实际美元来定义最佳资源水平。反过来,这可以对检查选项进行严格的成本效益分析。介绍了API RBI协议及其验证方法。还讨论了这些发现对设备故障频率和定量风险评估中使用的后果分析的一般假设的影响。



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