
Increase business benefits by using on-line models


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The obstacles of transferring theoretical methods to practical application in an industrial environment are easily underestimated. To tackle this problem technical, methodological as well as comunicative aspects have to be considered. Cooperation and communication between plant management, engineering and software suppliers are of key importance to implement theoretical tools into a process environment. Models-reduced and rigorous- with plant adjusted complexity extract the maximum information from the raw process data. We have applied on-line models in four different continuously operated plants: A black box model in a 80 000 jato vinylacetate plant for mass-energy balance, plant scale-up and process follow-up. A dynamic model of a acetylacetone reactor for predicting optimal reactor performance. The Kalman-Filtering technique for change-point control in a diketene reaction system to meet safety requirements. A ketene cracker dynamic model for cracker design and plant revamping. The model approach reduces operating costs up to 15percent mainly by reduction of overall plant variance, which allows operation closer to limits.



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